

Business headshot of Meri Harli, an SEO consultant. She's smiling and the image is in black and white..

Meri France Harli, Founder

The “Revenue Queen”

A few years back one of my esteemed mentors nicknamed me the “revenue queen” because that’s my North Star—to ensure that I am always focused on my helping my clients to generate revenue from their marketing efforts. And that’s still what gets me out of bed to jump on a Zoom call at 6 AM because I believe that it’s this single-pointed focus that clears away any ‘fog’ around digital marketing.

Today, with 17+ years of in-depth digital marketing experience, I have seen my fair share of Google core algorithm updates, so I have developed an approach that is proven to win the long game for both B2B and B2C businesses. It’s a distinctly ‘lean and mean’ strategy born from riding the waves of uncertain economic times.

And as a business owner and entrepreneur, I understand that cash flow is the #1 critical lifeblood of any business. And you simply don’t have time to waste on any marketing channels that don’t convert. Period.

If you’re in B2B business for the long-game, organic search is your most valuable marketing channel. And honestly, I never thought that in 2023, organic search would (still!) be the most valuable digital marketing channel for most businesses, but here we are!

Book your free 30-minute consultation here.