Our Approach

How it all works

Our Approach

Our approach to enterprise-level SEO and search marketing is a little more strategic and business-centric than other agencies.

Firstly, we won’t try to lock you into a 12 or 24-month contract because we believe that you should start to see results within the first few months of engagement; most specifically when it comes to improving your speed-to-rank for your top buyer-intent search terms.

Secondly, we won’t try to convince you that you need to rank for hundreds of keywords when in fact, most of your revenue will come from a very small cluster of high-buyer-intent search terms.

In recent years, we’ve developed a faster, leaner approach to attracting your ideal customer to your website in the least amount of time possible. It’s a simple concept but one that so few of our competitors put into practice.

Our Philosophy

The biggest thing we’ve learned over the years is that being adaptable and responsive to change is the way to succeed in business—and in life. It’s how we build mutually beneficial, long-term client relationships. It’s how we ride out tough economic times and thrive and grow in times of abundance. But this is not a new philosophy. In fact, it’s one we borrowed from someone who borrowed it from the father of evolutionary biology, Charles Darwin:

“According to Darwin’s Origin of Species, it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.”

Megginson, ‘Lessons from Europe for American Business’, Southwestern Social Science Quarterly (1963)

Want to know more? The first 30-minutes are free, so let’s talk!

Book your free consultation here.

How we work in collaboration with you

  • 1. Project Based

    Let’s collaborate together to create a customized project scope based on estimated time and agreed-to deliverables. Ideal for one-off projects like a website information architecture redesign, SEO audit, CMS migration, web app development, content marketing strategy…or any other project that has a finite scope.

  • 2. Monthly Retainer

    A monthly retainer is based on a set amount of hours per month for any—or all—of our services. This is your most flexible option because your needs may change, and we’re here to adapt right alongside you. Choose from 3 retainer packages (*see table here) and change your level of commitment at any time with only 30-days notice.

  • 3. Embedded Consultant

    An embedded Blue Sky consultant works within your team just like an employee but without the long-term commitment; you choose the time period you need them for. They’ll provide marketing expertise and consultation, implementation, project management, even training for when you’re ready to hire a full-time employee.

“According to Darwin’s Origin of Species, it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.”

Megginson, ‘Lessons from Europe for American Business’, Southwestern Social Science Quarterly (1963)