Why SEO for B2B?

Why SEO for B2B Marketing?

Three big reasons:

1. Organic search is 5x more valuable than paid ads

(Source: Google’s Economic Impact Report)

Your SEO efforts will deliver five times more benefit than paid advertising. Let that sink in. While we may sometimes recommend running a Google Ads campaign along side your organic campaign, it’s important to recognize that Google Ads were primarily designed for one thing: to make Google richer than it already is.

So why would you put most of your marketing budget into paid ads when organic is far move valuable?

Yes, organic search may take time to deliver but we have developed a much faster and more agile approach that will continue working months, if not years, after you’ve paid our final invoice. That’s the power of organic: you’re literally building a valuable online asset rather than just throwing money into a black hole. It’s just like building your own dream house vs. renting.

2. The average B2B buyer conducts 12x online searches before interacting with a B2B website.

(Source: Think with Google: The Changing Face of B2B Marketing)

According to Google’s own data, the average B2B buyer makes twelve organic searches before even clicking on your website. If they are not even seeing your website rank for its top keywords, how likely do you think they will engage, buy, or even be aware of your company?

The Google report also found that the way B2B buyers conduct their research has changed over time. In the past, buyers would typically rely on word-of-mouth or referrals from colleagues. However, today's buyers are more likely to use online resources, such as search engines and social media, to conduct their research.

3. B2B businesses generate twice as much revenue from organic search than all other channels combined.

(Source: BrightEdge Channel Report)

The BrightEdge report also found that organic search is the most effective channel for B2B businesses, generating an average of $2.50 in revenue for every $1.00 spent. This is significantly higher than the average return on investment for other channels, such as paid search ($1.75) and social media ($0.65).

The BrightEdge Channel Report is a comprehensive study of the performance of different marketing channels. The report is based on data from over 100 million websites and is updated annually.